Graphic and confident, our headline typeface, VEEPS Ruder Plakat, adds a declarative energy to every main message — from brand headlines to artist names.

Along with VEEPS Ruder Plakat, we use a secondary typeface called Saans. This universal and utilitarian sans serif is perfectly suited to smaller copy moments, where we prioritize accessibility and precision.
VEEPS Ruder Plakat is to be used as the leading headline typeface throughout VEEPS communications. It should generally be used big, bold, and graphically to fully leverage its declarative quality.
Saans, in contrast, is used in smaller, supportive type moments: secondary information following headlines, detail typography, and technical information.
Never miss a show
All your favourite artists
The premiere home for live music
Live-streaming concerts got a significant boost during the pandemic, and VEEPS’ goal is to turn the experience into an entertainment mainstay. Founded by Joel and Benji Madden of the band Good Charlotte, and acquired by Live Nation in 2021, VEEPS released a suite of mobile and TV apps in 2022 that cover iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku.
Setting Type
Line Spacing
Linespacing (also known as leading) is the space between lines of typography. At all sizes, but especially when used in large headline moments, VEEPS Ruder Plakat should be applied with tight line spacing. This enables us to create bold and punchy layouts that grab attention.
Desired headline leading: 295/255 (86%)

Setting Type
Letter Spacing: Headlines
Letterspacing is the amount of space given to an entire group of letters in a word. Letterspacing should be generally tight, avoid overly loose or overly tight letterspacing.

Setting Type
Letter Spacing: Body Copy
Below are examples of correct and incorrect letterspacing for copy set in Saans.

Setting Type
Typography should only ever be aligned in two ways: left-aligned, or centered.
Our brand language can use both left and centered alignment for large type. Either alignment can be selected based on the canvas dimensions and composition. For specific applications such as in-app, center alignment is usually recommended.
Never right-align or force-justify large type.

One of the typographic applications that we have introduced for the brand is what we call the "ticker". It is a simple element to generate and apply over photography or footage. This element is highly reminiscent of the world of entertainment and event billboards and is great for introducing different kinds of information in a tight space. It also works well in motion.